[Photo credit: Asiaone.com]
It's me, who in brighter clothing, was still over-shadowed by Jamie Yeo in her canned Stomp photo, as her schedule did not permit her to come for a shoot. I was hoping that her and I would be digitally adjusted to a relative size, and given my brighter clothing, I'd stand out. Sadly, she took up more page space. Undeserving.

I hadn't tried being more nosy, firstly given that I've never spoke to Jamie Yeo, nor have we met. On hindsight, I've spoken to Glenn Ong when he hosted a Father's Day show at Heeren back in 1999 when I was 15. And my first line to him was, “Your pants suck. Only Ah Beng losers wear those Kappa pants”. He's nice and it's not a front. I met him again in 2006, when he hosted a “Hearts on Fire” roadshow for a jewelry company at Centerpoint when my then-girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend and I tried winning free rings.
I can't say the same about Jamie Yeo. I still remember a TV-mobile special episode on Djs and their siblings, when Jamie was vehemently trying to shut her younger sister from spilling less palatable beans on her “bully” childhood, which included an example of Jamie snatching away and eating the candies the younger Yeo took home from a friend's birthday.
I hardly hear of older siblings bullying. It's more often the doted on younger ones abusing their rights – Vanessa's younger sis being the best example.
Legal divorce has never benefited men. Not in Singapore at least I am sure. Fortunately they haven't any more child-like than a dog between them. Mandated child maintenance is always a bitch. Even more for the guy in an unwittingly-ended marriage.
Before the news comes any clearer, I really wish people would stop taking sides till they know more facts. I see remarks of “poor jamie, I hope she's alright”. “Oh dear, what a horrible time as Valentine's day eve!” “What with the Valentine's day column she wrote!”
Hey folks! Wise up! Who said guys only can be bad? I too bummed out on a relationship. You did too. Whose fault was it? Could have been anyway right? Girls, maybe your guy cheated. For some of you, it wasn't your guy, and can you fess up that you did “mingle around” abit too excessively. Just because Glen broke the news first does not mean he's the bad guy.

[Photo credit: Mocca.com]
Harogenki.blogspot.com said in post "Radio Golden Couple - Jamie Yeo and Glenn Ong has Split".:
Rule of thumb.
When marriage is on the rocks and getting stale like both.
It's time to reconsider getting a baby as the new entrant to the family.
In short the wife would have no choice but to stay and look after the guy, the husband had no choice but to earn more money and bear the burden.
So in reality, having a baby is the best way to maintain a dying relationship. It works well, most of the times.
And that "But this is not the main cause, perhaps the 2 are really busy to even consider having babies and such".
Not so. Or at least Jamie was adamant in another article that having a dog was sufficient.
In his recent Starblog post on 10 Memories, she wrote:
"...Memory 1 should be the time I had the best sex ever! My partner was sensitive, romantic and best of all, I was in love with him. He did everything right. It started with some easy provocative conversation and ended with us wrapped in each other's arms, still as can be, only our chests heaving from our panting so much. Everything in between was so mind-blowing I won't be allowed to describe it on this page."
"Zennie" on Singapore Honda Club forum mentioned, "I wonder what her husband thinks about all these....her raving about how good her partners were. Why would anyone want to publicize her own experiences like that?" I wonder too.
While we had Valentine's Day dinner last night, we did wonder. “How would Glenn and Jamie be spending their Valentine's Day?” An online reader commented in response to an article on this topic, “Jamie has been going out with some Ang Moh from ESPN for nearly a month. Apparently the whole ESPN knows about it.”
While few year's follower-ship of Glenn Ong on Perfect 10 and Class 95 doesn't cut as a concrete base for judgement, but at least, he doesn't speak about loin experiences at 6 years old so close to splitting up.
Perhaps he was moping Valentine's Day evening out alone or with some close friends. Perhaps. I can't say the same of the one I'm less positively familiar of.
I personally can't stand anyone who can behave lackadaisically and unaffected when shits happening. At least I could imagine Glen being sullen as he spoke of this unfortunate occurence. If anyone, I should know how it feels to love and dote on someone, only to have that person less serious about me and the relationship.
Glenn, my heart goes out to you. I can infer you love kids and don't really enjoy flitting between partners. Aside from our appearances, I do see alot of myself in you. Sure, we prank around and crack cold jokes and enjoy dissing folks, but we're ultimately nice, warm and caring people, and especially doting to those who mean the most to us.
Maybe this should be next week's Starblog topic.
Here's some further reading for you folks:
Jamie Yeo and Glenn Ong have split
Glen Ong and Jamie Yeo: Who needs a Holiday Resort? http://community.mocca.com/articles/glenn-ong-jamie-yeo
1 comment:
I say, career motivated couples are in danger of falling apart when they do not put family on the first ladder.
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