I Like My Dreams Wet I Gooed My Pants 3 Nights In a Row Subconsciously Replaying My First Ever Close Body Contact
It was but an innocuous, couple-y “sit on my lap” do. And it wasn't even real. It was part of a photo-shoot. But having never been so close to a girl before, my mind registered it more like:

My first thoughts on the word “sex” is obviously the act of sexual intercourse. Second thought, geez... I hope I can last (especially with a “hot” babe in ANY sense of the word). I've never responded to any spam email on Viagra or Viagra alternative, but I must say I've always been very tempted. Third thought, my eyes are googling passerby cleavage and chasing skirts, or, 'I'd like some porn right now'”.
“To solemnize women’s independence and power in all facets of life,
from their careers to their relationships to their own destiny.”
Picture from Wonderbra.
Here's what NEVER made it's way to StarBlog. You may see the published version here:from their careers to their relationships to their own destiny.”
Picture from Wonderbra.
Surrealism is a gift. And the concept of succubus ever turned me on. Human are sexual beings.
The D.O.B is obviously bullshit. But the age is real. LOL... This is a graphical re-enactment, but I really did fill out a form like that recently, when I was subconsciously frisky.
The desire and inclination to mate is in-born. Even 4 year old girls start humping pointy objects. Vanessa and I found it very humorous the one time we were in a business partner's car driving through KL, and on the radio was a talkshow tracing children's sex behavior from the age of 2 thru 16. Subsequently, Vanessa couldn't help but believe my account of a 4 year old former tennis student intentionally stimulating herself with my sports marking cones on several occasions. I got spooked and quit teaching that demon the one time she said, “coach, I know your thing can grow” accompanied with some maniac laughter. So much for “Sweet, young, innocent thing”!
The talkshow also mentioned how young boys may demonstrate “peeping tom” or compulsive sniffing behavior without any prior introduction to sex or porn. Its true! Not just me, I also accidentally caught sight of a friend's younger brother sniffing the toilet seat right after a hottie came out from the washroom after peeing.
On a different note, a conversation back during NS with Jason who went on to start a fashion store went as such:
Jason: “Hey Jules, what's your 'Magic Number'”?
Julian: “Huh? What 'Magic Number' are you talking about? Is it to do with favorite number? Mine's '27' – if that's what you want to know. What about it?”
Jason: “Haiyoh! 'Magic Number' means, the number of times you can shoot in one session.. two hours.. Mine is 8.. You leh?”
Julian: “Since when did people ever refer to the number of times you cum as 'Magic Number'?”
How the hell does any guy manage to fire his bazooka 8 times in 2 hours? It needs to be charged you know? Anyhow, nope, folks I will not be revealing my “Magic Number” or whatever you call it here.. it's about as taboo for me as telling my age to a female from the era were pretty femmes were called “jute girls”. What I can say is, less than Jason. Grrr.
Most men, including thyself are rather fixated on how often, how many times, and how much release. I was actually repeatedly e-window-shopping for products that promised improvements to the above 3 areas.
Speaking of numbers, my numerology master actually told me that a person's friskiness can be told from his/her birthday.

A person of this birthday “selalu mau” (quoting my Malaysian-Chinese sinseh – always wants [sex]) is not only very horny and compulsive when it comes to sex, but also enjoys “painting”, for those of you who know what that means. When I learnt these calculations, scores of male friends were asking me to interpret their prospective girlfriend's birthdays to shortlist the ones with the highest and best sex drive.

Someone with the above birthday on the other hand, not only has a high sex drive, she also has a split personality particularly in bed, and can be a very talkative and noisy dominatrix at that! So pervs... if that sounds like your type, you'd wanna scout for girls of those two birthdates.
I don't have any frisky number combinations in my birthdate analysis. Thus I can only imagine just how highly-sex someone with such combinations can be.
I'd like to admit that, when I was single, I was on 3 dating sites, 3 meet-for-sex sites, and 2 online swinger groups (I'm shier than I look). I even paid for “Platinum Membership” on 2 of those sites – all in search of a good shag. I'd also like to tell that the results were very dismal – the prettier ones were either fishing for men with fat wallets or unserious, some were into their own kind, or not into NSA (No Strings Attached), and the rest were either fat or ugly as $#*@. Sigh again, paid for sex and still didn't get any.
Remember the song by Tamperer which goes:
“Is it SEX or is it LOVE? Is it SEX or is it LOVE?”
Sex. People who don't love each other can still have sex, but people who love each other by majority need ample doses of sex to remain in love.
The “Battle of the Fittest”, for male lions culminates in sex with the most number, or most desired of femmes. Among humans, “Battle of the Fittest” definitely applies. Either you're physically super fit, immaculately handsome, or financially well-endowed, or else, not a chance of bedding barbie.

I fully agree with the song that goes: “You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel.”

The desire and inclination to mate is in-born. Even 4 year old girls start humping pointy objects. Vanessa and I found it very humorous the one time we were in a business partner's car driving through KL, and on the radio was a talkshow tracing children's sex behavior from the age of 2 thru 16. Subsequently, Vanessa couldn't help but believe my account of a 4 year old former tennis student intentionally stimulating herself with my sports marking cones on several occasions. I got spooked and quit teaching that demon the one time she said, “coach, I know your thing can grow” accompanied with some maniac laughter. So much for “Sweet, young, innocent thing”!
The talkshow also mentioned how young boys may demonstrate “peeping tom” or compulsive sniffing behavior without any prior introduction to sex or porn. Its true! Not just me, I also accidentally caught sight of a friend's younger brother sniffing the toilet seat right after a hottie came out from the washroom after peeing.
On a different note, a conversation back during NS with Jason who went on to start a fashion store went as such:
Jason: “Hey Jules, what's your 'Magic Number'”?
Julian: “Huh? What 'Magic Number' are you talking about? Is it to do with favorite number? Mine's '27' – if that's what you want to know. What about it?”
Jason: “Haiyoh! 'Magic Number' means, the number of times you can shoot in one session.. two hours.. Mine is 8.. You leh?”
Julian: “Since when did people ever refer to the number of times you cum as 'Magic Number'?”
How the hell does any guy manage to fire his bazooka 8 times in 2 hours? It needs to be charged you know? Anyhow, nope, folks I will not be revealing my “Magic Number” or whatever you call it here.. it's about as taboo for me as telling my age to a female from the era were pretty femmes were called “jute girls”. What I can say is, less than Jason. Grrr.
Most men, including thyself are rather fixated on how often, how many times, and how much release. I was actually repeatedly e-window-shopping for products that promised improvements to the above 3 areas.
Speaking of numbers, my numerology master actually told me that a person's friskiness can be told from his/her birthday.

A person of this birthday “selalu mau” (quoting my Malaysian-Chinese sinseh – always wants [sex]) is not only very horny and compulsive when it comes to sex, but also enjoys “painting”, for those of you who know what that means. When I learnt these calculations, scores of male friends were asking me to interpret their prospective girlfriend's birthdays to shortlist the ones with the highest and best sex drive.

Someone with the above birthday on the other hand, not only has a high sex drive, she also has a split personality particularly in bed, and can be a very talkative and noisy dominatrix at that! So pervs... if that sounds like your type, you'd wanna scout for girls of those two birthdates.
I don't have any frisky number combinations in my birthdate analysis. Thus I can only imagine just how highly-sex someone with such combinations can be.
I'd like to admit that, when I was single, I was on 3 dating sites, 3 meet-for-sex sites, and 2 online swinger groups (I'm shier than I look). I even paid for “Platinum Membership” on 2 of those sites – all in search of a good shag. I'd also like to tell that the results were very dismal – the prettier ones were either fishing for men with fat wallets or unserious, some were into their own kind, or not into NSA (No Strings Attached), and the rest were either fat or ugly as $#*@. Sigh again, paid for sex and still didn't get any.
Remember the song by Tamperer which goes:
“Is it SEX or is it LOVE? Is it SEX or is it LOVE?”
Sex. People who don't love each other can still have sex, but people who love each other by majority need ample doses of sex to remain in love.
The “Battle of the Fittest”, for male lions culminates in sex with the most number, or most desired of femmes. Among humans, “Battle of the Fittest” definitely applies. Either you're physically super fit, immaculately handsome, or financially well-endowed, or else, not a chance of bedding barbie.

I fully agree with the song that goes: “You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel.”
Bloody hell, the dolls
OHOHOH Do teach the birthday calculation thing...
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