Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Work can be a gift
I don't deny that work has been a curse and a bane, but I realise that work is also a gift.
People work for various reasons... be it the money, passion for something, or a pledge to certain people or groups of people significant to their lives. For some, it's a combination. It's these reasons that drag a person back to work, day after day, from Mondays to Fridays, and is far more powerful than his/her intentions itself. Such powerful reason as the self-directed question, "why am I doing this", or "who am I doing this for", and thus, "therefore I need to persist".
I'm very glad I found my work partners Andrew and Weikang. I'm currently going through a rough patch, and had I not a commitment to them to make our work project a success, I would probably be a victim to my own emotions right now.
I'm not sure if you're reading, but guys, thanks alot. Really... I really could have been caught in a vicious loop right now.
It's easy to want to fall into the vicious loop. It's a natural gravitation. However, work commitments just keep you from falling in.
On a separate note, I think couples too, need to commit to a higher goal than each other. I never saw it that way before. No, it's not about committing your relationship into God's hands. Atheists, agnostics, relax.. you need not cringe. Merely committing to each other isn't enough. If there was anything I'd do to change my relationship, I would find the relationship upon a mutual premise that includes love, happiness, success and all that is good. A commitment that is able to discernibly shunt anything else - hate, negativity, blame, jealousy, noise, contempt - out of the relationship so that both can live for that single-minded happiness.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
John Legend - Save Room Song Meaning
Say that you'll stay a little
Don't say bye bye tonight
Say you'll be mine
Just a little of bit of love
Is worth a moment of your time
Knocking on your door just a little
So cold outside tonight
Let�s get the fire burning
Oh, I know, I keep it burning right
If you stay, won't you stay stay
Save room for my love
Save room for a moment to be with me
Save room for my love save a little
Save a little for me
Won�t you save a little
Save a little for me oh
This just might hurt a little
Love hurts sometimes when you do it right
Don't be afraid of a little bit of pain
Pleasure is on the other side
Let down your guard just a little
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby
You will see I can be all you need
If you stay, won't you stay stay
Save room for my love
Save room for a moment to be with me
Save room for my love save a little
Save a little for me
Won�t you save a little
Save a little for me oh
(Pa-ya-pa-pa) (Pa-ya-pa-pa) (Pa-ya-pa-pa) (Da-da-da)
Oh come on
Make time to live a little
Don�t let this moment slip by tonight
You never know what you are missing until you try
I'll keep you satisfied
If you stay, won't you stay stay
Save room for my love
Save room for a moment to be with me
Save room for my love save a little
Save a little for me
Won�t you save a little
Save a little for me oh
Save room for my love
Save room for a moment to be with me
Save a little, save a little for me
Won�t you save a little
Save a little for me oh
Some say this song is about John Legend selling the girl the idea of "de-virginization". For once, I never saw a song in a perverted way. Others say it's a song to woo a girl. I personally think it's a about a couple in a rough, even "pain"ful patch where the guy is pleading with the girl for a little time to work on the relationship, and implying that he can show and give her better than he ever did before- if only she would ease up and let down her guard again.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Singapore Idol 3 Audition: What's with the Broomstick? Spoon Bending & Goof Specs? WTF!
While that didn't really happen at the audition... That's what I did in my bedroom. LOL!
Spoon Bending is pretty cool huh! Advance to 2m17s for Spoon Bending Demo.
I also write for STOMP Starblogs, check out this week's entry at
FINALLY I didn't have to rewrite this week...
Enoughing Bitching About Singapore Idol 3, I Sang For STOMP Starblogs This Week
My StarBlog Entry should be up around 1pm Today, Singapore Time (GMT +8.00 for International friends)
Fat Fugly Fashion Disaster at Singapore Idol 3 Auditions
What the hell is with this Fat (notice I didn't say "chick"). Ok fine, how about fat chicken. what is with that chain that runs from the front to back of that frilly skirt. It just looks so wrong. Above all, I really think she's on the wrong contest. The camera crew didn't even want her to sing. That's how bad it is.
I also write at
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Field Report on Singapore Idol 3

Another friend who's been queueing since 4am... got turned away and told to return tomorrow.. WHAT CRAP?
They started at 9 this morning, so till 7pm or 1900 hrs, that's 10 hours. 10x60, that's 600 minutes. 3 minutes per person, and 3 rooms, - 60 mins lunch, so they should have 560/3 x 3 = 560 persons. Or lets say, even 500. Why so slow.
And did they really have to keep all of us out in scorching sun till 4.30 before deciding that they can't finish the numbers today and that we'd have to return the following day? On paper, they said 500 people would get to audition today. Well I can totally understand that they needed some crowd to be present for their filming of subsequent trailers... but those were done at 2.30. They could have simply registered us all first with the many registration counters. Question is, why didn't they? No consideration for fellow mankind? Human Rights activists should really make a din outta this. This is really Horse Shit.

Friday, June 5, 2009
I Narrowly Escaped the Singapore Idol Camera Crew...
Live at the Singapore Idol Auditions at Cathay!
Here are so pictures Live from The Cathay, 2 Handy Road, Singapore.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I Like My Dreams Wet I Gooed My Pants 3 Nights In a Row Subconsciously Replaying My First Ever Close Body Contact
It was but an innocuous, couple-y “sit on my lap” do. And it wasn't even real. It was part of a photo-shoot. But having never been so close to a girl before, my mind registered it more like:

My first thoughts on the word “sex” is obviously the act of sexual intercourse. Second thought, geez... I hope I can last (especially with a “hot” babe in ANY sense of the word). I've never responded to any spam email on Viagra or Viagra alternative, but I must say I've always been very tempted. Third thought, my eyes are googling passerby cleavage and chasing skirts, or, 'I'd like some porn right now'”.
from their careers to their relationships to their own destiny.”
Picture from Wonderbra.

The desire and inclination to mate is in-born. Even 4 year old girls start humping pointy objects. Vanessa and I found it very humorous the one time we were in a business partner's car driving through KL, and on the radio was a talkshow tracing children's sex behavior from the age of 2 thru 16. Subsequently, Vanessa couldn't help but believe my account of a 4 year old former tennis student intentionally stimulating herself with my sports marking cones on several occasions. I got spooked and quit teaching that demon the one time she said, “coach, I know your thing can grow” accompanied with some maniac laughter. So much for “Sweet, young, innocent thing”!
The talkshow also mentioned how young boys may demonstrate “peeping tom” or compulsive sniffing behavior without any prior introduction to sex or porn. Its true! Not just me, I also accidentally caught sight of a friend's younger brother sniffing the toilet seat right after a hottie came out from the washroom after peeing.
On a different note, a conversation back during NS with Jason who went on to start a fashion store went as such:
Jason: “Hey Jules, what's your 'Magic Number'”?
Julian: “Huh? What 'Magic Number' are you talking about? Is it to do with favorite number? Mine's '27' – if that's what you want to know. What about it?”
Jason: “Haiyoh! 'Magic Number' means, the number of times you can shoot in one session.. two hours.. Mine is 8.. You leh?”
Julian: “Since when did people ever refer to the number of times you cum as 'Magic Number'?”
How the hell does any guy manage to fire his bazooka 8 times in 2 hours? It needs to be charged you know? Anyhow, nope, folks I will not be revealing my “Magic Number” or whatever you call it here.. it's about as taboo for me as telling my age to a female from the era were pretty femmes were called “jute girls”. What I can say is, less than Jason. Grrr.
Most men, including thyself are rather fixated on how often, how many times, and how much release. I was actually repeatedly e-window-shopping for products that promised improvements to the above 3 areas.
Speaking of numbers, my numerology master actually told me that a person's friskiness can be told from his/her birthday.

A person of this birthday “selalu mau” (quoting my Malaysian-Chinese sinseh – always wants [sex]) is not only very horny and compulsive when it comes to sex, but also enjoys “painting”, for those of you who know what that means. When I learnt these calculations, scores of male friends were asking me to interpret their prospective girlfriend's birthdays to shortlist the ones with the highest and best sex drive.

Someone with the above birthday on the other hand, not only has a high sex drive, she also has a split personality particularly in bed, and can be a very talkative and noisy dominatrix at that! So pervs... if that sounds like your type, you'd wanna scout for girls of those two birthdates.
I don't have any frisky number combinations in my birthdate analysis. Thus I can only imagine just how highly-sex someone with such combinations can be.
I'd like to admit that, when I was single, I was on 3 dating sites, 3 meet-for-sex sites, and 2 online swinger groups (I'm shier than I look). I even paid for “Platinum Membership” on 2 of those sites – all in search of a good shag. I'd also like to tell that the results were very dismal – the prettier ones were either fishing for men with fat wallets or unserious, some were into their own kind, or not into NSA (No Strings Attached), and the rest were either fat or ugly as $#*@. Sigh again, paid for sex and still didn't get any.
Remember the song by Tamperer which goes:
“Is it SEX or is it LOVE? Is it SEX or is it LOVE?”
Sex. People who don't love each other can still have sex, but people who love each other by majority need ample doses of sex to remain in love.
The “Battle of the Fittest”, for male lions culminates in sex with the most number, or most desired of femmes. Among humans, “Battle of the Fittest” definitely applies. Either you're physically super fit, immaculately handsome, or financially well-endowed, or else, not a chance of bedding barbie.

I fully agree with the song that goes: “You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel.”
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I'm Already Lost! Don't You Dare Say “你能讲中文吗?” (Can you speak in Mandarin?)
Bad Communication, Bad Behavior, Stupid Questions and Nosey Parkers.
Over the weekend, I went for a workshop on Success Permissions, which involved understanding Energy Psychology and using its principles to clear my phobias, emotional blockages and negative repetitive patterns. At a point in the workshop, I was asked to think of an event I felt a very strong hatred toward. The event was “National Service Enlistment Swearing In Ceremony”.
I remember how the hound dogs (whose service has been recently extended from 45 to 50 years) barked at me to echo words I did not mean, about my allegiances to the nation. Not just once, but several times over. And that, if we were real men, we had to be loud and full-throated about it.
Why does being gungho about the scorned 2-year chore that stifled me of a professional tennis career equate to being a “real man”? I vividly recall how I and a couple of promising young men were verbally whipped and stripped of our intellect and social standing. I remember seething with a fury akin to Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine upon realising he was but a disposable pawn in Col. William Striker's plan.

I put my hand up, and denied experiencing any such event, and was given an alternative task. There's no way I will forgive the system for racking up such great losses in income, opportunity, esteem, and most importantly, time. Don't discuss about being “The Good Soldier” or “Doing Your Part for Singapore” with me, EVER! Also, don't EVER make me swear CRAP about blah blah allegiance to some national slave-type activity.

Like... NPCC back in secondary school. I dropped out not long after went to a new cadet swearing in. Why not try the SPCA? Sorry, I'm not a dog-matic.
Don't EVER ask me for “Good-will Offerings”! As the word suggests, it's really about good will! How can I have good will if I never felt anything positive about a particular place? So hypocritical isn't it? Like, back at Nan Hua Primary School - I scorned the then-principal Mdm Fong who couldn't be more blatant to my parents in seeking more “good-will offering” for my acceptance into the school. Wasn't it because she and my paternal grandmother had an association in common and thus wanted to extend a favor? Plus, my parents already gave her/the school a red packet of $2000 when I first entered. She was not even the least bit trite about my class and 1/5 of the school going through one in a half semesters without electricity in classrooms, when the teachers and staff areas were fitted with 2 large ceiling aircon units per classroom size – which even required the construction of an outdoor power-housing unit. Ludicrous! I'm proud to have pioneered the $0.11 donation packet. She actually hauled me out during one assembly when I was primary 5 regarding this, in a bid to “humiliate” me. My logic? I nonchalantly explained that the number of cents to commensurate with my years in the school, that I'd give $0.12 the following year. I'm so glad when I heard several juniors have emulated my example in the years after.

Don't EVER give me bad service and expect a commendation. School again. This is about my current institution, SMa School of Management. Students service is run by a bunch of largely incompetent and selfish bastards! (I must be clear that 2 or 3 or the new staff are really God-sends, and that this applies to the bulk.) What service? They expect students to keep to our decorum, but they do not keep to theirs! When I asked to come for an alternative time to attend a class, following the lecturer's instruction to check with them on his teaching schedule, I was given the whole “No. We will not disclose his lecture schedule to you. If there's any reason as to why you can't make it for your regular class, you are to submit a document excuse letter about your engagement. Even so, it would be subject to review.” Hello? Doesn't SMa stand for Singapore Manufacturer's Federation? Aren't you supposed to be encouraging enterprise? I'm self-employed and you wouldn't support my expansion of my business by even allowing me to sit in for another class just once? Then why on the other hand, why are we supposed to put up with the bunch of prudes who have all of a 2-week school vacation to print our new term notes, but only do it 15 minutes into class time, such that we have just the first lesson's notes only 45 minutes into the first lecture of the new term? Multiple times, not just once. Ridiculous.
About service again. Don't you even “我听不懂!你能讲中文吗?” me. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against China nationals here to make a living. But I have EVERYTHING against employers who put China nationals on the front lines of various service business, just because they're cheaper to hire. Singapore Bus Companies! Shame on you! You keep raising our fares, but bus drivers tell me you've been reducing the pay plan, such that locals won't even do it as a gainful employment. What's more, how can you expect Malays, Indians, Eurasians and Foreigners to communicate their questions on bus route? Are you thinking “ignorance is bliss”? That's so cheap! When I dine in a western food cafe or restaurant and get served by a Chinese national, I politely dismiss them and beckon the manager. While I can order in Mandarin, but why the hell should I order in Mandarin at a western food cafe? It's just unacceptable. Once, the owner of a Mediterranean cafe came over to ask if there was a problem with his staff. I totally flamed him and asked him what the hell his problem was, to hire so many people who are all obviously hopeless in understanding his menu. Shape up, and hire bilingual, or else ship out of my patronage EVER!
I still remember how a China waitress was adamant that Mojito is pronounced “Moh-Jee-Toh”, and wasn't willing to accept other pronunciations of the word.
Don't ever attempt to block the MRT doorways when people are exiting. Especially if I'm one of those exiting. Especially in at the interchanges and the heartland stops, there are scores of “kiasu” Singaporeans crowding to enter. I literally go ballistic. I stick my elbows out and ram my way forward. I shove/ram/topple idiots who can't follow the multi-language train announcements to “please stay behind the yellow lines and allow passengers to exit before boarding”. There was this uncouth douche who pushed a pram in even before anyone could exit and was making big side-to-side movements. Because his baby's legs were sticking out of the front, everyone including me had to be extra careful getting out so as not to cause hurt to the child. I told the jerk, “hey asshole, can't you wait for us to get out first?” And he engaged me for that. His meena wife too. They challenged me to call him “Asshole” again. I yelled back, “Hey it's not my fault you're fathering at 37, broke and can't afford to take your kid out in a car!” Stomp Seen! should have more of such errant train boarders in the “ugly singaporean” posts.

Just thinking of these instances of social retardation makes my blood boil. Looks like I gotta start using my energy reset methods to discharge before I go to sleep tonight.
HUGE Diff between this one and the one at Compare la
What I did today?
I tell you... it's INSANE!... Just when I thought Kinesiology or Muscle Testing to show up subconscious thoughts and insecurities was crazy enough, she didn't have to do any of that! What she did though, was dangle this Token looking thing.. which looked like a Chinese Golden Ingot, and just waived it back and forth. And apparently, it could pick up emotions from me, and revolve clockwise, to indicate a yes, or anti-clockwise, to incicate a no. And without me lifting a finger, she was connecting with me and running a checklist, and totally sussing me out. It was so weird!
She recognised that I have some problems with being able to feel, and to be important, and identified that I also tended to take people forgranted when they're by my side, and covet them when they're gone. I couldn't disagree.. Alot more stuff as well.. spot on...
And she also tested through waiving that medallion that I had to sort out some 14 un-resolved conflicts in memories at the ages of 17 mths, 23 mths, 3 years old, 5 years old, 6 years old and 7 years old. And in treatment, I got so freaking emo about an episode of me at 3 years old..
You should totally try it out yourself. I'm feeling a hell lot better right now.
Later I was over to Andrew's place (Andrew is a young and successful lad that started up Carver Model Management among other businesses, including education), where him, Faye Hokulani, and I worked on our Internet Marketing project.
In the evening, I headed on for a karaoke session at my Grandaunt's vocal club, down at Hong Lim Complex. And I recorded the following video:
In the same session, Jacky, who happens to be President at the ToastMasters Capital club, got me hooked on a song "Bo Go Ship Da" by Kim Bum Soo with his fantastic rendition. This is the song..
Translation in English
No matter how I wait I cant go
next to you, crying
You only gave me pain and you didnt know me
Are you telling me to leave?
I miss you, I miss you
To the point where I hate myself
I want to cry..I want to kneel down
And if only everything didnt happen..
The memories where I loved you crazily..
Those memories haunt me
But i cant hide from this love any longer
I shouldnt do this
But i miss you to death x2
OMG... what a tear jerker right.... Shi bai!... I miss you already. I'm gonna seek you out.
Have you seen my post at Starblog?
Check out the damage...
Go to:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I was chatting with a Retard from Jonesboro
hey wong
I prefer to be known as Julian
see this video
saw it.
it's ok
where r u from?
fuck singapore
why the strong reaction
olive is something u eat
what has that got to do with "fuck singapore"
its like saying "fuck jonesboro" and pecans
While i don't particularly like my country very much, I find it very obnoxious that you throw what's deemed to be an insult out of nowhere just moments after we start chatting
Like, the details are right there on my page, you could have easily saw it. But you didn't.
type of relationship Knownشass eggs
Ok, I must say you have very strange logic.
first olives... now eggs.. what's next? Wild boars?
when u say why? my answer is any kind food
I'm presuming you're randomly reading off some picture book.
can u speek arabic?
Well, I've yet to have lunch, and I'm quite perturbed that you're trying to do some food speak with me
"a hungry man is an angry man" and no less angry given that I'm being spoken to with food names
no i do not speak arabic.
I already replied
scroll up
do you need new spectacles.. or in your food-speak, maybe you call them cucumbers.
why? because singapore's not an arab country that's why
nice you said oranges
great, now go have your meal and quite bothering if you've got nothing good to say
do you love egypt?
never been there
but i heard the bars there are great places to meet and fuck foreign women
my friend from jordan told me so
Why don't you go to and bother the robot chat over there?
So whatever. I'll be posting up this week's post and the last that didn't entirely make it thru the media.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My Top Wishes, Pertaining to Internet Social Media Marketing.
A video crew - So I can produce all kinds of whimsical crap with lots of special effects.
A sound crew - So I can parody any bloody song out there whenever I feel like it.
A webdesign crew - So I can just come up with concepts and have people do the dirty work.
A writing crew - I'm even too lazy to write.
A soundproof room with spotlights and diffuse lights - so I can make stupid videos any time of day I want without bothering anyone.
Saucy Pics of American Idol Katrina Darrell (Bikini Babe).. woo... Clamps cup between her boobs!

I'm not so much of a girl-on-girl fan, but I do love cleavage and seeing stuff between cleavage. Here's more...

I thought Casey Carlson who covered Vanessa Carlton's "1000 Miles" at the audition is rather hot too!

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Flab to Fit in 5 Weeks

And this was taken just early last week, prior to my haircut. In initial week of training, I lost 1.5 kilo, but subsequently gained 3.5 kilo. All muscle.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I Unblocked My Obstacles to Success at the 40th Success Permissions Workshop!

I was told to observe myself for the next 21 days from completion of the course. Here are some of my observations:

Day 1 (Sunday, 17 May) - Nose kept running like a tap. Visited the toilet to pee like 20 times over a 15 hour period. Rather unusual. It seemed like the body was detoxing, even when I initially had little faith in some of the techniques learnt.
Day 2 (Monday, 18 May) - I slept really well the previous night. Good things started happening too.. A prospect for a corporate communications tool (Talkfusion) whom I thought was no longer interested SMSed to apologize for not keeping up with me, and arranged to meet me next Monday to re-look at the package. I opened my Forex Simulation account and discovered that my 5th day of testing was of an even more fabulous result than Day 4! OMG! $1421 in a Day! My target was only $1000! And I also made some money at Versace (Excelsior Hotel, Lvl 4, by the founders of the successful GioGio Male Host Club @ Lavender), and got to hang out with two friends, Aaron and Shino at the same time. Discovered that Shino's also into Quantum energy, and there're a couple of things I can learn from him.
Day 3 (Tuesday, 19 May) - I was supposed to head up to KL to pick up new FusionExcel Stock, however, as DBS messed up my PayPal transfer, I had to delay this trip. I thought I was in for a long boring day. However, one of my new and gracious tennis students called up to check if I was available for a lesson, and I was! In the early evening, I was also preparing for my backup music for tonight's trip down to Versace, and I was so thrilled that so many of them are available on Youtube! I accompanied Griblit for jamming, and during the dinner before that, at Zac's Cafe btw, was real good! 3 long jumbo sausages (2 long, 1 coiled) with potato mash for just $7.50! I wasn't expecting to be stuffed. They undercooked the coil sausages, so I got another one FREE. I initially wanted to head down to work my second night at Versace, especially when Shino said there's a good crowd expected. However, as I didn't intend to stay out past 1 last night, I decided against it. Besides, though the money was tempting (more capital for FOREX!), I figured I ought to keep some Work-Life balance, and also not keep Griblit up too late waiting for me as she had school this morning. I ended the night by entering some trades using a Forex system I'm testing.
Day 4 (Wednesday 20 May) - I woke up feeling real refreshed. Haven't had such a complete sleep in a while. Walked Griblit out to catch a taxi, and I got back to check my $1000/Day Forex Simulation Project. OMG! $1568 in a day! As I decided to go live with my method, albeit with a smaller lot size, I netted $200 - sounds small... but it's 432 pips! The biggest taking yet! Will continue to experiment on live and gradually bring my lot sizes up to test account's.
I'm gonna continue to count my blessings. It's been a blast, and I know that since its only Day 4, I'm only just getting started. I've unlocked my earning potential to be capable of earning 10.5 times of my highest earned in a single year. I believe this is possible, especially given the 1 week of successful $1000/Day Forex Simulation Project's success, and as well as my new appointment at Versace.
The details of this workshop can be found at While this workshop costs a 4-figure sum, they also have a 3 hour introductory workshop at $127. As I'm part of a business exchange network, I can get you in to the introductory workshop FOC, and the main workshop at a NICE discount. So do leave a comment here, or on Facebook (Search for Julian Wong). The next intro workshop will be on 1 June.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Craigslist to replace "Internet Brothel" : Prostitution via Craigslist in Singapore too!

I first got to know about Craigslist through a Canada-educated friend who used it to find foreign students to study here, as part of his education marketing job. At the time when I was fresh from my previous relationship, I did look through the personal ads in Craigslist in the hope of finding some company. However, all I ever found through the "W4M" (Women for Men) ads, were scores of posts, I believe not by genuine persons, but by pimps operating under several nicknames. NOTHING was for free. At the time, there was NO ONE around for friendship without financial benefits.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Updates to Singapore Phone Scam
Beware! Singapore Phone Scam. Don't Be The Next Target. Please read and forward.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Androgyny, Threesomes, Abs and Thongs.

For the longest time, I have been a narcissist, perpetually in love with myself.
Ricky, my childhood buddy ever did a sharing over one of my birthday gatherings, before he renounced his citizenship, "hey fellas, did you know Julian is always about the mirrors? Did you know that all the times we hung out, if he ever passed a reflective glass panel, he'd go.. 'OMG... check it out.. which Superstar is that?' He used to have me fooled that there was really some celeb in the shop, but then I got used to the fact that he was just rambling about himself again".
Even when I ran in track and cross country meets, I ever ran into people or even lamp posts... yes lamp posts, more than once - because I was too caught up admiring how my shadow was striding away. That, I felt, was way more exciting than eyeballing the long, dreary path ahead.
Ying: "OMG, why are you flashing me?
Me: "No... Check this out!!! I never realised my body was this fantastic."
..... Continued AT THIS LINK (CLICK)
Some Thumbnails from the entry...
The Gym Training is Working!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Why I'd rather not earn your money even though I enjoy teaching your daughter tennis
- You are stingy
- You always ask for timeslots that do not factor in a young person's (me) need to go out and have fun.
- You fail to acknowledge what good I'm doing for your daughter's tennis, in comparison to what LITTLE she could have achieved with the other coach on the next court.
- I might feel slightly better if you gave me some other sideline business, i.e. buy Pharmanex G3 from me, or buy Quantum Pendant from me, but no... even that, you want some ridiculous discount.
- You expected me to teach at 6pm on a Friday that is a public holiday (May Day) and would not consider having the same lesson on the morning - perhaps because you, and not she, does not want to get out of bed. Come on, she is old enough to stroll down to the tennis court, which is safely within the same premises of the condo. Obviously, I cancelled the lesson, because I had BETTER things to do.
- Today, you smsed to say "Please be punctual for the lesson, as our time is also precious".
Monday, May 4, 2009
How To Remove Leg Hair, Without Cuts! Using Veet?
Here's what you need to construct a fake monster penis.
Cheapo tinyurl link? Expect me to click?
"Why on earth would someone sign up into your biz? Find out at our upcoming webinar" Please click
With a url like that, how about "Why on earth would someone click your damn link?"
STOMP STARBLOG POST: “Porked” out of my senses - Julian Wong
Julian Wong - Current mode? Nonchalant.

Sure... and then came the whole AWARE saga. Confusing as hell! Till now, I'm not aware if it was the outgoing committee or the new committee that spurred the inclusion of defecto sexual orientation in the school sex education curriculum. Local online blog aggregators' top 10 spots have 3/10 spots taken up with pointless headings like "Leaked letter from AWARE discussion". Look I really don't care! Singapore youth have been labelled as apathetic, ignorant and egotistical when it comes to national affairs and the elections. I don't really enjoy the Mundane Members of Majority- you know, the homogenous looking herds of same-expressioned folks along Orchard Road or Raffles Place, but I just joined the club.
Back then, Fat = Prosperous. Now, Fat = Stupid, Poor, & Frustrated.
This afternoon while I was discussing TalkFusion video email solutions with a Social Media Marketeer at Atrium@Orchard's TCC, on the neighbouring table were two fat shits.
One was telling the other: “Did you know there's this ex-course mate at my uni? She landed this $2000 a week job! I on the other hand, am earning $2000 a month. What the fuck right?
Then the other fat shit said: “Ya lor... I'm only earning a few hundred more than you. Wah. $2000 a week is really alot. She must have had very good grades!”
The first fat shit: “Ya...don't really know her, but I think she must be a top student.”
Wake up, pieces of fat oily shit blobs! When was it all about grades? What era do you think this is? Confucius' era? Where every self-respecting person would be taking the government entrance exams, and be awarded posts based on grades?
What about aptitude? Yes, she was probably above average at school, but probably did well at aptitude tests too. What leaves this fat shit at? Well, she scored crap at school (by her analogy), and probably didn't pass the aptitude tests either, or didn't even persevere and hold out for the good job unlike her “high-flyer” ex-schoolmate.
So there she is, stinking, unsightly, oily, neglected and abandoned – at the bottom of the food chain.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Real Funny! Have you heard the Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea Pork Version Swine Flu Remix? Laugh Your Head Off!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Why We Shouldn't Eat Pork
Pig's bodies contain many toxins, worms and latent diseases. Although some of these infestations are harbored in other animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far more predisposed to these illnesses than other animals. This could be because pigs like to scavenge and will eat any kind of food, including dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta (including their own), garbage, and other pigs.
Influenza (flu) is one of the most famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. This illness is harbored in the lungs of pigs during the summer months and tends to affect pigs and humans in the cooler months. Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who eat pork sausage tend to suffer more during epidemics of influenza. Pig meat contains excessive quantities of histamine and imidazole compounds, which can lead to itching and inflammation; growth hormone, which promotes inflammation and growth; sulphur-containing mesenchymal mucus, which leads to swelling and deposits of mucus in tendons and cartilage, resulting in arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
Sulfur helps cause firm human tendons and ligaments to be replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and degeneration of human cartilage. Eating pork can also lead to gallstones and obesity, probably due to its high cholesterol and saturated fat content. The pig is the main carrier of the taenia solium worm, which is found it its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage. One in six people in the US and Canada has trichinosis from eating trichina worms which are found in pork. Many people have no symptoms to warn them of this, and when they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These worms are not noticed during meat inspections, nor are they killed by salting or smoking. Few people cook the meat long enough to kill the trichinae. The rat (another scavenger) also harbors this disease. There are dozens of other worms, germs, diseases and bacteria which are commonly found in pigs, many of which are specific to the pig, or found in greater frequency in pigs.
Pigs are biologically similar to humans, and their meat is said to taste similar to human flesh. Pigs have been used for dissection in biology labs due to the similarity between their organs and human organs. People with insulin-dependent diabetes usually inject themselves with pig insulin.Here's a popular Youtube Video on Pork.
Is Pork Forbidden to Muslims Only?
The Jews and Christians are also forbidden from eating pork. Here is a quote from the Old Testament to that effect: "And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase." Deuteronomy 14:8
Many Christians believe that this verse was directed only at the Jews. But Jesus himself says during the Sermon on the Mount; "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." Some Christians say that, after a vision by St. Peter, God cleansed all animals and made them fit and lawful for human consumption. If ALL animals are cleansed by Peter's vision, this includes dogs, cats, vultures, and rats: but you just don't see people getting excited about a cat-meat sandwich like they do over barbecued pork or bacon. Others say that it was Paul who rescinded the law forbidding pork to humans, in order to appease the Romans, who enjoyed the taste of pig-meat. Many excuses have been given, but none are very sound.
Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "Agentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat.
For the full text on this reading, go to